Sunday, November 23, 2014

Renton-November 17, 2014

Dear family,
I'm grateful for your love and righteous examples. Continue doing the Lord's work! I try everyday to do the Lord's will. It has brought me so much strength in my trials. My ward is a good ward, but it's hard to feel the love that comes from a ward with lots of families. But I'm grateful for the opportunity to partake of the sacrament every week. That is what matters most. I'm glad for your experience with Chris's farewell talk. I'm grateful to know how prepared he is. I know that the people of Arkansas will love him. I feel the same love from the people in Washington, especially since coming to know the "M" family. Yesterday, we had a missionary devotional in Graham, which is an hour drive south of here. "E" and "J" both came. It was "E"'s favorite. Every devotional a choir sings, new converts bear their testimonies, and they show Mormon messages. She loved the first song that was performed, "My Heavenly Father Loves Me." The spirit was so strong in that meeting. I couldn't help but shed tears for how much love our Heavenly Father shows us. He gave us His Only Begotten Son to atone for us, He gave us this life on earth, He gave us families, and He gave us the restored gospel. It made me want to share that love with everyone. I'm grateful for the opportunity we have to do this for two years. For me, it won't stop then. I hope we never stop being missionaries. The best way to be a missionary is share your faith by example. We are witnesses of God "at all times, and in all things, and in all places. I will also continue to perform temple work for our ancestors.
I did hand out the family history bulletin at the library last week. They thought it was a great idea! I hope they hang it up on the community events board. Thanks for sending the usb cable and the recipes! I'll let you know when they get to me. I love you all so much.
Elder Herbert